Do you like the combination of cocktails, board games and video games all in one handy London based location? Good, because we would like to invite you to join us for a night of board games in London’s newly opened Loading Bar in Soho.
To help celebrate International Table Top Day (that’s as in Table Top gaming not dancing, just making that clear as this is Soho) Big Red Barrel is hosting a night of board games, on behalf of Esdevium Games. There will be a wide selection of old favourites to some current newer strategy games and some videogame based board games. All will be FREE to play, entry is FREE and there will be board game and video game prizes available on the night. The only thing you need to pay for is your drinks – which we advise doing as they are tasty and in some cases game related.
Worth noting that we will be gatecrashing their Bioshock Bank Holiday Bonanza Weekend, so they will also have screens showing off Bioshock Infinite and some limited edition Bioshock cocktails available on the weekend to add to their usual menu of classic cocktails and other regular gaming themed cocktails including the Donkey Konga and the G&T Virus (pictured below) You can also help us create the first ever official Big Red Barrel cocktail recipe live in course of the evening.

As much as the drinking will permit, we will be focusing on board games for the evening. You can play with the games provided or bring your own for you and your friends or others to play. Although please note that while you are welcome to bring your own game we do stress it is at your own risk, so please don’t bring any treasured possessions. You are welcome to just play with the sets provided and if you are particularly concerned about playing a certain title, let us know and if available we will try to book you a table and time slot.
All the other details you should need are below, but be sure to ask if you have any questions and we hope to see you there!
53 Rupert Street
DATE: 30th March 2013
TIME: 4pm-10pm*
*The bar stays open to 12pm so we won’t be rushing off anywhere and may well carrying on gaming and will certainly carry on drinking!
Games Available To Play on The Day;
Ticket To Ride
King of Tokyo
Gears of War (Board Game)
Resistance (Card Game)
Assorted card games
+ More!
Prizes Available To Win On The Day
Top Prizes include;
• A StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Collector’s Edition
• A Model Normandy from Mass Effect 3, Me3 Artbook and T-shirts.
• Exclusive one-off design BRB Xbox 360 Slim skin sticker kit.
• Exclusive one-off design BRB iPhone 4 cover skin sticker kit.
• Rainbow Six Vegas Official Poker Set.
• A Jigsaw Puzzle and Action figure from The Cave (Signed by Ron Gilbert)
Other prizes include;
T-shirts, Keyrings, Xbox 360 games, Travelcard Holders, iPhone 4 covers/sticker kits of various designs including Doctor Who, also other various designs of sticker kits available for other devices.
It’s times like these that I wish I didn’t live way out in the back o’ beyond. =[
This was frickin’ ace. Anyone who hasn’t made it down to DrinkRelaxPlay/MADD, totally should if they can, it’s a really cool space and the drinks are as tasty as very tasty things.
Thanks and well done to Tim, Sarah and Mat, who never stopped on the night making sure everything ran smoothly and everyone who could was playing a game.
Hope to see more collaborative events between you guys in the future! If nothing else it’d be a good regular haunt for the site.
Dangerous Brian
I kinda wished there would have been more notice for this. Did I miss out on much?