Red Hot Games articles, we would like to introduce you to Big Red Barrel’s Red Hot Movies. I regularly watch (and rewatch) movies at the cinema or from the comfort of my couch. It turns out some of my colleagues do the same. So we thought it would be a good idea to share our most recent viewing histories with you, dear reader, to perhaps inspire your own next movie choice when you find yourself in the foyer of your local picture house or parked in front of a Netflix-supported device.
Kingsman was the first film to drag me back to the cinema for a while. A good thing too, as it filled the IMAX screen I saw it on with very slick and very British amounts of awesome action. It managed to make the “new” Bond look like a stuffy grandad and recaptured some of the fun of spy films that I have found sadly lacking from recent incarnations. It was also nice to see a main character in a spy film/series that doesn’t have the initials J.B.! Diarmuid did an excellent job of
reviewing Kingsman recently – I agree with his score but not sure that I would agree that the film was too predictable – although this may be because there were a few points that were quite different from the story in the graphic novel which kept me guessing.

Also, I have to give a mention to a film that I caught the start of and, despite having seen many times before, was enraptured right to the end. Perhaps one of my favourite Disney movies of all time and a type of movie that they do not seem to make much any more, a real life sports based film.
Remember The Titans is a poignant reminder of a chapter of American history that modern America (as well as many other parts of the world) could still seemingly learn lessons from. If you can get through this film with some “dust” getting in your eye in the hospital scene, then you are either stronger or uglier than I am.
Throughout my life, I have had few constants, my love of Kevin Smith films being one of them. His take on ordinary life in America, infused with a refreshing take on the sub-cultures who were not being exposed as vividly as we see them today, as well as a lot of dick and fart jokes, always warms the cockles of my heart.
Despite his consistency in themes during his early film career, with the advent of podcasting and the diversification of this media portfolio; Kevin Smith has also diversified his film repertoire.
Tusk is the latest in his line of more serious projects, though still with that wonderful Smith flare. Incorporating his podcasting experience with a ridiculous premise,
Tusk is a movie which cannot really be compared to many in content but it holds up against the big boys in suspense.

Following a story inspired by a Gumtree ad,
Tusk explores the ideas of compulsion, friendship, trust and how we perceive ourselves in this Internet-centred world.
Smith creates an air of suspense which chills the bones but cannot help but divert into grotesque humour – but this is humour in the basest sense. You laugh from sheer confusion, you laugh at the insanity of the plot, you laugh at Guy Lapointe (trust me you will) but most of all you will laugh just because you do not know what else to do. It is the only way to stop the disgusting feeling you get from the climax of the tale. This film is well worth a watch even if it is just out of morbid curiosity. It is Kevin Smith at his finest and weirdest – which is always a good thing to be a part of.
With Oscar season upon us, the number of movies with stories of triumphs of human endeavour and inspirational acts of courage has soared. Thankfully, not all of them are utter tripe. I recently went to see
The Imitation Game and was floored by the movie. I knew of Alan Turing, being a computer systems graduate, and his incredible war-time record – but seeing his story play out on-screen added to his character. He is wonderfully brought to life by the awkwardly-brilliant performance of Benedict Cumberbatch and the tale of his life is an important one to witness. Quite simply, it is a film everyone should see.

Jess recently covered another movie I was glad I caught in the cinema –
Big Hero 6. I was equally as impressed with the film as she was. The story of Hiro Hamada and his robot companion Baymax is a heart-warming one but one I also feel is as important to see as
The Imitation Game – not because it tells the story of a brilliant man who was forced to live a concealed life, but because it deals with the topic of grief and mourning better than any children’s film I have seen in some time.
Finally, I rewatched
The Raid 2, which
I covered on its release. Just like at the time, I highly recommend any action movie fans out there seek it out.
We hope you enjoy this inaugural Red Hot Movies post. Let us know what you think and look forward to another, coming soon to a screen near you.]]>