Home » BRB UK 217: We Love Titanfall 2!

BRB UK 217: We Love Titanfall 2!

Hello you sexy,  little Titan Pilots.

Welcome to another episode of the Big Red Barrel UK Podcast,we really do miss you when we’re not doing these things. Dan‘s away doing prep work for our HUGE 24-hour Extra Life gaming stream this Saturday, so that leaves Tim & Coleman to go it alone (which means it’s another BRB UK Ramblefest Extravaganza).

Here’s just what’s in the conversation pot this week:

  • A new Tomb Raider title possibly leaked.
  • Hello Games gets hacked.
  • Has the Wii U’s life been ended?
  • Tim plays Pure Hold’em & Weeping Doll.
  • Coleman continues with Batman: The Telltale Series with Episode 3: New World Order.
  • Everyone’s playing Titanfall 2 (because it’s awesome).

We appreciate you chaps taking time out of your week to listen to our show.  For your convenience, you can simply download the MP3 by clicking HERE or you can subscribe via iTunes, RSS or Stitcher and stay up to date.

Guys, Extra Life is this Saturday (from 08:00 GMT, 5th November) and we have a huge lineup of games for our 24-hour live stream! We would appreciate if you can once again help us out by giving Team BRB’s page a visit and donating to any of us so that we can help some sick kids.

Written by
Podcast voice guy, occasional animator and sometimes I even write words for you to read

1 Comment

  1. Great as always and without Dr D, 78% rambling. Hope you guys survived extra life, I did pop onto the stream and heard Dan slowly losing his mind during the oryx raid. Pure entertainment gold


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